Be Prepared To Sharpen Your Shooting Skills
Manufacturing Tactical Target Systems Since 2008
Be Prepared To Sharpen Your Shooting Skills
Manufacturing Tactical Target Systems Since 2008
Be Prepared To Sharpen Your Shooting Skills
Manufacturing Tactical Target Systems Since 2008
Manufacturing Steel Targets and Systems for Indoor and Outdoor Shooting
Take Aim Targets
Take Aim Targets has manufactured and commercialized target systems used by law enforcement agencies for advanced training in rifles, shotguns, and pistols for many years. We offer targets, target systems, and stands to the general public.
Who We Are and What We Target
For years, Take Aim Targets has designed and marketed target systems used by law enforcement agencies for advanced training in rifles, shotguns, and pistols. Now, we are offering systems for shooting enthusiast. Our modular systems feature quick setup, replaceable components, and additional accessories to make one target system meet every shooter’s needs. Whether your style of shooting is prone, standing, kneeling, or sitting, you can be assured the target systems we sell will meet your needs. Our law enforcement partners have sent thousands of rounds at our targets with the confidence the system will continue performing. Whether in-service training or specialized S.W.A.T. training, our target systems will meet the expectation of law enforcement or the shooting enthusiast. Take Aim Targets allows for a quick and easy setup in multiple configurations for convenient and repeatable target shooting.
Which Target Is Right for You?
Use the charts below to determine which product will best suit your needs. All Take Aim Targets are made with certified US AR500 grade steel. Each target is powder coated with a color indicating its thickness.

Which Transformer Is Right for You?
The transformer was developed with the concept of one versatile stand to be used in many different applications. All transformer stands are able to utilize both 18” and 24” paper targets supported from 1x2 wooden lath found at any home improvement store. The 29” Deluxe adds the option of using a 2x4 to support more target options such as our 2-plate rack, swivel target systems as well as 14-gun racks. The 44” Deluxe will expand your options even further by adding the ability to use a 2x2 wooden lath with our crossbar to hang all our sniper targets from the two squares up to our precision sniper target and everything in between.
A durable 3/16” formed steel base with removable legs is featured on all transformers. The legs conveniently store underneath the stand for easy storage. The durable powder-coated finish, fully welded assembly, and ease of use will provide years of dependability.